REGINA Magazine 23 | Page 2



Beverly Stevens


Donna Sue Berry


Maria Albers

Natasa Zambelli-Wilkie


Chiara Finaldi

Kareem O’Brian Nelson

Beverly Stevens

Anna-Maria Vesey

Evan Wing


Dominican Nuns of Summit, N.J.

Lawrence Lew, O.P.

Joseph Shaw

The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny

Evan Wing

Diana Yuan


John Lamaestra

Harry Stevens


Father Jeffrey Keyes


REGINA Magazine is published 6 times a year at

REGINA draws together extraordinary Catholic writers, photographers, videographers, and artists with a vibrant faith. We are interested in everything under the under the Catholic sun--from work and family to religious and eternal life.

We seek the Good, the Beautiful, and the True--in our Tradition and with our God given reason. We believe in the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church. We are joyfully loyal to the Magisterium. We proudly celebrate our literary and artistic heritage, and seek to live and teach the authentic faith.

We are grateful for this treasure laid up for us for two thousand years by the Church-in her Liturgy, her clergy, her great gift to Christendom and the Catholic Culture that we are the primary bearers of.

REGINA Magazine is under the patronage of Our Lady, Mary, Most Holy. We pray that she lays our humble work at the feet of her Son, and that His will be done.