Trisha Smith , R . H . N www . aderoherbals . com info @ aderoherbals . com
The male reproductive system can become more and more delicate with age . The prostate gland in particular is a walnut sized gland that can begin to enlarge once a man reaches 40-50 years old . It is located deep in the pelvis , below the bladder and in front of the rectum . The prostate is connected to the urinary tract . It produces hormones and fluids that nourish and protect the semen . Hormonal changes that take place as we get older , is one of the leading causes of BPH ( Benign
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Prostate Hypertrophy ) or enlarged prostate .
Here is a list of foods , supplements and herbs that can be taken for treatment and prevention of prostate enlargement as well as prostate cancer . Antioxidant-rich foods in the form of berries ( especially goji berries ), pecans and kidney beans will help encourage elimination of DHT from the prostate . Essential fatty acids in the form of avocado , nuts and wild caught fresh water fish . Pumpkin seeds are high in Zinc , which are essential for prostate health and testosterone production . Zinc is also important for men who engage in frequent sexual activity . Organic Cranberry , tart cherry juice and water will also help keep the urinary system cleansed and strong . Supplements include flaxseed or fish oil , zinc , vitamin B complex , and vitamin C with Bioflavonoids . Herbs include Saw Palmetto , Stinging Nettle , Horsetail and Watergrass . It is also important to limit the intake of alcohol , cigarettes and saturated fat ( fried foods and red meat ) in your diet . An occasional liver and colon cleanse can also be helpful for preventative measures as clearing the detoxification pathways will help the body excrete excess hormones . For more information , products or services feel free to connect with me on Facebook , Instagram or my website at : aderoherbals . com .
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