RX : Tell me about Rev . Jeremiah Foster . RJF : The name Rev . Jeremiah Foster was ordained by the Bethel Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ which is located at 1831 Weston Rd , TO , ON . Actually I was ordained an elder and from an elder , served the community that I was in , went and did some studying and from there I got my license as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ . I started out at the Universal Outreach Ministry of Jesus Christ which is a ministry I pastored for the last 7 years . . I ’ ve been travelling all over preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ , I do not believe in Christianity , I believe in salvation , I preach salvation , cause that ’ s what the Father gave to me . The Gospel is given to us for edification , direction , wisdom , knowledge and understanding so everyone can live in love and unity . I travelled all over Canada , Jamaica and North America preaching the Gospel . I am also a Trucker for 48 years , so I am a Trucking Preacher . The tractor trailer that I own and drive is the investment that I use to carry out the gospel , because I don ’ t believe in taking up collection . While I ’ m trucking I ’ m meeting people from all different ethnic backgrounds , people who are in all kinds of trouble , I am there to give them a kind word and motivate them .
RX : Was Foster your birth name or were you a foster child ? RJF : My grandfather is of Scottish background , most people in those times were sold into slavery and were owned by a slave master , so the name Foster is like an ownership name which the slave masters gave to their slaves , that is where my name Foster derived from . As you know , no black man nuh name Foster . I wasn ’ t adopted , it ’ s a family originated name . RX : How long have you been doing Gospel Music / RJF : From 2007
RX : What made you transition from secular to Gospel music ? RJF : Because I was ordained
RX : Did you take a break from the music to start your ministry ? RJF : Yes , back in the day , I had a band called Daddy Spoon & the Faith Force Band , with really good musicians . We played for Honest Ed in Brampton , this is where Gerry Thompson got his break and Jay Douglas was also a part of that , we did a sold out show . That was the last time I tried to sing secular music , as I got onstage to sing my hit songs , the only thing that kept coming out of my mouth was “ Across the bridge , there ’ s no more sorrow ” ( singing ).
RX : Do you write your own songs ? RJF : Yes I write my own songs and music .
RX : What or who inspires you to write ? RJF : Through fasting and prayer , if I have a bad day , I pray and then I go write some lyrics . While I am focusing on the positive things the negative part goes away .
RX : Long term goals ? RJF : A few years from now I want to see myself and music like a cancer , or like aids , spreading and taking over the globe , for the youths , because the youths today are in big trouble , they don ’ t know God and the university not helping .
RX : Short term plans ? RJF : To get some serious musicians and put a band together to do some travelling and touring . To get the studio going and get the youths to start writing and give them some direction so they can stay off the streets .
RX : Any performances coming up ? RJF : Not right now , I am continuing with promoting my music and my brand , in fifteen months I will be retiring from Trucking and after that I ’ m coming to take over the whole universe . I will do one year in the GTA and then into the suburbs and then to America and so on .
RX : Being the CEO of J . U . Records which you founded , is that the label you use to release your music ? RJF : Yes , and by the way the meaning of JU Records is Jesus Universal Records . It ’ s not just a Record Label , it reaches out to communities . We have an Outreach Ministry , an Outreach Program , we help the youths in any way we can , whether it is by counseling , advice , financially or otherwise .
RX : As a Reverend , what advice would you give to our youths ? RJF : Proverbs 20 V . 6 says “ train up a child in the way he should grow and when he is older he will not depart from it ”: What I am seeing today is that the parents become the children , the government owns the kids because of their laws
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and rules , and then they use them as a weapon to torture the parents . So my advice to the youths is to honor your father and your mother . And be careful of all the technology that you are given to capture your minds , especially the cell phones .
RX : Advice to young Gospel Artists ? RJF : They have to get away from the cosmetic Gospel , they can ’ t be preaching it and not living it , deal with honesty and sincerity , to themselves first , fast and pray for that is the key . Most of the Gospel singers are singing for fame and material gain , but you have to sing to gain a soul , so that people can come out of captivity . You have to be real .
RX : Tell us something about Rev Jeremiah that we don ’ t already know . RJF : I am a very good deejay ; I am also a great cook . I know the fireside well . I honor my Mother every step of the way , I can sew , clean , cook and do everything for myself .
RX : Any plans to do music videos ? RJF : Yes but I am waiting on the right set of people and the inspiration from my Creator
RX : How do you feel about receiving the Top Gospel Award at the ReggaeXclusive Recognition Awards in July 2017 ? RJF : Excellent , marvelously good , I give honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ .
RX : Anything else that you need to say ? RJF : I just want to tell the world to look out , because Man redemption is drawing nigh , everywhere you go the people in the world is getting more dangerous . It is time for everyone to get down low and humble themselves and get back to the place when they knew the Creator and we had a better world . The thing that you do to people in life , it has a way of coming back to you , so be careful how you treat people and don ’ t take anyone for granted . The beauty is when a man can see the beam in his own eye ; that is a good thing .
RX : What is next for Rev . Jeremiah ? RJF : I have to reach out to the homeless and the needy right now ; I have to give the true Gospel out . I will also keep promoting my music . I want to salute Ray and the Moonshine family , he introduced me to a lot of people in this City . Every summer we do the barbecue for his customers . I also want to salute Prince Everald , he is my brother , we are coming from long , long time , to Donna Makeda and to all the radio stations and radio djs , Durmot Williams , Delroy G , Stan White and Luther Brown . Finally , my West Indian brothers and Jamaicans , I want you to know that we are one of the most blessed people on Earth , I am asking everyone to please stop the killing and the war amongst one another and start building . England , Germany , Russia , China , USA , the UK , Europe , there is nothing like a chain with good links . We don ’ t want to be rope , tying up each other , let ’ s try to do the right things and God will do the rest , I want to say peace and love , God bless the people .