Regenerate (Interior Major Project) | Page 4

01 Introduction Figures 1 - 4. A planet abundant in resources and technology, the production and consumption of human kind is vast and demanding. Whilst some design is appreciated and looked after, a considerable amount of work has a more temporary existence. As time passes we break, forget and replace the buildings we once frequented, the clothes we once wore and the items we loved. This has great impact upon our environment, as we discard an abundance of waste and deplete our natural resources. We now find ourselves in a ‘climate emergency’, our wasteful habits evidently harming the world around us. Yet all is not lost. If both consumer and designer put careful thought into what we create and how we look after it, we can create something which lasts longer, can be enjoyed by more people and has a positive impact on both human behaviour and the world in which we live. Both the building in which retail operates and the products which it sells can be designed sustainably, something for which there is now increasing demand. If done correctly this can educate, satisfy and entertain those who engage with it and its contents, whilst indirectly ensuring a more enjoyable environment in which we can thrive. Working with Southsea’s Knight and Lee building, I have taken something which is vacant and tired and transformed it into the premises for a sustainable fashion shop, with an on site factory, studio and offices. Adopting a sustainable approach to both building, client and concept, I attempt to prove the beauty in that which is aged and worn. With an industrial and urban aesthetic now on trend, the beauty in the construction and production of the things we cherish is now appreciated more than ever. Thus by emphasising structural components and utilising materials, otherwise destined for rubbish or recycling, I have attempted to prove the worth and style in that which is so regularly disregarded, mirroring the identity of the client and all that sustainable fashion stands for. The adoption of sustainable habits is not a hindrance or a nuisance but a fashionable and desirable design feature. Collage: Using old carrier bags and materials, salvaged from waste and recycling, I have created this collage which seeks to portray the concept behind my design. Proving worth and interest in that which is disregarded, whilst directly making reference to the impact of retail I hope to emphasise the importance, beauty and need for sustainable design. P. 4