reGEN media- Theory of Change-v2 | Page 10

Theatrical Distribution Network

Mothers of Film
Regenerative Filmmakers
reGEN ’ s Theatrical Distribution Network will be a consortium of at least 100 + independent movie theaters , community centers , and other local screening venues across Turtle Island *.
These theaters will sign up for reGEN ’ s program , which will :
Theatrical Distribution Network
Film Hub
NextGEN Filmmakers
Enable them to screen our regenerative films when they are released Give them access to our regenerative filmmakers for post-screening events ( either through zoom or in-person ) Give them access to audience discussion questions , special event guides , and other materials that will turn their screenings into oneof-a-kind community events Even give them the opportunity to do local readings of the regenerative filmmakers screenplays before the films are even made !
Once this program is tested and established on Turtle Island , we will look to expand the program across the globe , turning into an international community cultural exchange over the next 10-20 years .
* Turtle Island : What North America was called before it was called North America based on a creation story .
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