Reg Spring Catalog 2024 529 Riggins | Page 31

When King Herod dies , an angel visits Joseph again in a dream .
Joseph takes the family back to Nazareth , where he sets up his carpenter shop . Jesus grows up strong and wise and filled with God ’ s grace . Each spring , Mary and Joseph travel to Jerusalem to attend the Passover Feast . They thank God for delivering his people from slavery in Egypt hundreds of years ago .
one year , When Jesus is 12 , the family goes to the Feast as usual .
Based on Matthew 2 : 19 – 23 ; Luke 2:39 – 52
Get up ! Take the child and his mother and Go back home to Israel . The ones who were trying to kilL the child are dead .
in Jerusalem , Jesus spends his time in the temple with the wise men and teachers .
After the feast is over , Mary and Joseph set out for home . That night when they make camp … Joseph ,
but no one has seEn Jesus . Frantic , Mary and Joseph go back to Jerusalem . They loOk for Jesus nearly everywhere in the city .
Jesus ! We ’ ve beEn loOking everywhere for you . We were so worRied . where is Jesus ?
FinalLy , they find him in the temple . Jesus is sitTing with the teachers .
Why were you loOking for me ? You know that I neEd to be in my Father ’ s house .
He must be with his friends . I ’ lL find him .
20 then goD Said , “ lET tHe earth bring forth liVinG CreatuRES .” and goD mAde aLl kiNDs OF AniMalS : wild ones , tame ones — even those that crawl on the ground .
Then God created the first man , Adam , and the first woman , Eve . They were the greatest of alL god ’ s creations because he made them in HiS own iMaGe , TO be a rEfleCtion of WhAT HE is Like . gOd mADE adAM aND eVE WiTh sOuLs thAT WoUld LiVE FORevEr . and he planNed fOR PEopLe tO rulE and live in harmony with EverY LiVinG THiNg On EARth .
and on THE SevENth DAY , gOd ResTED .
God loOked at everything that he had made , and he knew it was alL very , very goOd .
god showed adam and eve the beauty God and SHOweD fruitfulness adAM anD of EVe the thE garden beAUTy they aNd lived FruitfUlnEsS in . He told them oF THe , “ you gARDEN may eat theY from LivEd every in . tree He TOlD thEm , except “ you one MaY , the eAT tree from of EVery knowledge tREe of good EXcepT and one evil , tHE . if you TreE eat oF from KNOWLedGE that of tree gOoD , you and will evil die . .” iF YOU EAt fRom
That TreE , yOu wiLl Die .” based ON GEneSis 3
Based on Genesis 3 lOoK , AdaM ! The LitTlE birD cOmes WHEN I CALl !
GoD iS gOod tO us . he HaS GiVEn Us evERyThiNg . eVErYtHinG eXcEpT FRUit froM The tREe OF kNowlEDge Of GoOd AnD EviL .
yes , THat iS ForBiDdEN !
buT evE WOndeRs . aND onE dAY She GOEs to THe trEe aND gAzES aT the FORBidDEn frUiT .
This practical guide combines a theologian ’ s expertise with engaging narratives in 140 short stories that draw the connections across all of God ’ s Word .
Hardcover $ 24.99



14 . 97


The Action Bible : Faith in Action Edition This reimagining of the mega-selling Action Bible combines 230 stories of biblical heroes with vibrant comic-book-style illustrations and an immersive online experience . Hardcover $ 36.99
Discoverable QR codes in every story take readers to a safe online experience to explore even more content including games , playlists , Bible studies , activities and a complete devotional designed to increase their time with God .
A Boy in the Temple
Day 6
Temptation Tempted in in the Garden
Day 7