Refurbishment and Restore Issue 18 2019 | Page 61

REGISTER FOR FREE* HOMESEVENT.CO.UK/REGISTER REGISTER TO ATTEND CREATING QUALITY HOMES IN THRIVING COMMUNITIES Gain a “big picture” overview and connect with the residential property market Access tailored content for each tenure including Build to Rent, student accommodation, retirement living, intergenerational and co-living, affordable housing and more Hear fresh ideas to tackle shared challenges Understand opportunities for collaboration and expansion Key agenda topics will cover: ASSET MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PLACEMAKING LAND & PLANNING BUILD TO RENT MMC EVENT PARTNERS *Free to attend for public sector and non-profit employees, £165 per day for employees of private sector and for-profit organisations. FOR THE FULL AGENDA AND TO REGISTER TODAY VISIT H O M E S E V E N T. C O . U K a @ H O M E S E V E N T d / H O M E S - E X H I B I T I O N