Refurbishment and Restore Issue 18 2019 | Page 54

Timber & Timber Frame NEWTRADA Year Book Ad 2019 Tiga Wood into the black.pdf 1 07/03/2019 11:08 OVER THE LAST 7 YEARS OR SO, CAPRICORN ECO TIMBER HAVE BEEN SUPPLYING AND DEVELOPING TIGA WOOD BURNT LARCH, AN INNOVATIVE BLACK CLADDING WHICH IS MAINTENANCE FREE, HAS A VERY LOW CARBON IMPRINT, IS VERY DURABLE AND ECO-FRIENDLY. Tiga Wood cladding is a bespoke product made to order here It is coated and sealed with one coat of natural oil which acts as a base and topcoat, the number of coats are dependent on the or whether the cladding is preferred to gradually weather and The durability of the Larch itself is impressive and it will last 80 years or more in cladding form assuming the usual guidelines for CAPRICORN ECO TIMBER | Seighford | Unit D | T: 01785 282307 | F: 01785 282110 | M: 07774 692936 E: S W E D I S H PAT E N T E D S I L I C O N T E C H N O L O G Y Working with nature Sioo Wood Protection AB are leaders in wood protection using silicate technology. Specified by architects across Europe, our patented SiOO:X product gives long life and a beautiful natural surface with even colouration. It is friendly to people and the environment. An example of a SiOO:X project is this house in Devon where the Siberian Larch cladding was factory treated by Russwood Timber with SiOO:X Mid Grey pigment. Sioo Wood Protection AB Photography by Alex Campbell. 54 -