Refurbishment and Restore Issue 16 2019 | Page 5

The client personally and lovingly charred and oiled the cypress himself in the back yard and the grooving of the ship lapped cladding informed the dark grooved kitchen.  If you look close enough at the images you may even notice a charred cypress clad dog house! Two new bathrooms were created in the existing part of the house and some internal walls were repositioned to create one master suite with walk-through robe and two subsequent bedrooms.   The clients rave about the space and upon entering it’s easy to understand why.  The breeze through the house, simple approachable tactility of the materials, the even day lighting and large open doors and windows all produce the relaxing sense that you’ve just arrived to a beachside and carefree holiday.  Sitting around the indoor/ outdoor servery, opening a bottle of wine, roasting some peppers and chatting with our lovely clients about some past travel adventures only completes the whole enviable lifestyle experience. images credit - 5