used to remodel private residence in opulent art
deco style
A luxury home in the prestigious South
Kensington district of London has been
completely refitted with none other than
The opulent interiors of the large town
house were designed and created especially
for the project by Infinitus Bespoke
Interiors, to meet the desires of the client
for a completely art deco inspired home.
The design brief demanded each room
reflect the demure decadence of the 1930s
and 40s, and bring a unique character
to every space. The brief defined the
bedrooms and bathrooms be refitted to
incorporate smooth, clean lines, high gloss
surfaces, mirror cladding and ambient
lighting, while the installation of a bar and
cinema room further reflect a taste for
“In the bathrooms and anywhere it was
likely that the fittings would be in contact
with water, we used MTX to ensure the
longevity of the installation. We used about
10 sheets of MTX across these areas.
Although it may be that the client will want
to update her bathroom in the future, it’s not
every day that you can guarantee MDF for
up to 50 years, even in contact with water.
MTX enabled us to do this with confidence.”
Aside from their abilities to resist
humidity and moisture, MEDITE MR and
MTX were chosen for their smooth and
consistent qualities, making them perfect
for machining into the bespoke shapes
required by CNC router.
“We decided on MEDITE MR and MTX as
they by far offered the best solution, to be
able to achieve a polished, authentic art
deco look. About 110 sheets of MEDITE
MR were used throughout the house not
only to clad the bar structure and create the
iconic art deco shapes in each room, but
as backing for other features such as the
mirror cladding.
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As acetylated MDF, MTX can be used in
applications where normal MDF panels
cannot, and still retains all the design,
fixing, and machining flexibility of regular
medium density fibreboards.
MEDITE MR is a moisture resistant MDF
panel designed for use in indoor humid
conditions such as kitchen or bathroom
installations or furniture, and is a perfect
substitute for softwoods or hardwoods
where more machining flexibility is needed.
Andrew concluded: “As this was an
extensive, lengthy project, it was also
beneficial for us and the client to use
MTX and MEDITE MR as it saved us a
lot of time which would have otherwise
been spent plaining timber. Instead,
many of the decorative pieces left our
workshop completely finished and ready for
Although MDF may not traditionally be first
thought of when tasked with redesigning
a luxury home, Infinitus Bespoke Interiors
specified the panels as the best for the
project, based on extensive previous work
with the products.
Andrew Fishwick, director at Infinitus
Bespoke Interiors explained: “The original
brief was ambitious to say the least, but
over the course of the project, working very
much hand in hand with the client, it was
well and truly surpassed.
It is guaranteed for up to 50 years above
ground, and provides architects and
designers with an entirely new construction
material, for design flexibility and endless
opportunities for creativity.
“To look at the house now, it’s hard to
believe it’s the same one we started work
on, the transformation is so complete.”
“We needed a material with no grain
structure to be able to achieve a perfectly
smooth, seamless finish. This was
especially important for the curved shapes
featured in the bar and for the bathroom
ceiling design, which features tightly
curved, egg shaped cladding that is backlit
for effect,” explained Andrew.
MTX was created as a sustainably
produced MDF panel with durability and
dimensional stability in mind.
A family run company, Infinitus Bespoke
Interiors specialises in second fit
installations and handles design, creation
and installation for residential and
commercial projects. See their creations on
Instagram: @Infinitus_Bespoke_Interiors
or get in touch:
[email protected]
For more on MTX and MEDITE MR and what
can be achieved with them, visit: