A site for
sore eyes
Looking at the advantages of BBA Certification
As you well know, major construction work on building sites
involves a huge amount of product and materials checking, not
least to make sure everything meets the exacting requirements
of building regulations. This can be stressful at the best of times
and a helping hand is always welcome.
That’s why more and more people are coming to the BBA for
off-site certification of their products. For many years now, our
work in the offsite construction sector has brought peace of mind
to hundreds of architects and manufacturers alike.
BBA Agrément Certificates are widely read and respected by
industry decision-makers who want to select innovative products
that have been thoroughly assessed by the BBA. Our assessors
have decades of experience in evaluating Offsite Construction,
and we are currently assessing many new systems, adding to the
many already approved including insulated concrete formwork,
SIPs and framed systems.
Of course, our main focus is on the requirements of Building
Regulations — not just in England and Wales, but also in Scotland
and Northern Ireland. But we go much further than that. We
want to ensure that a system is not only waterproof, warm and
structurally sound; it has to be durable, too. No-one wants to buy
a system with a short life expectancy, so we seek to ensure that it
will last for an appropriate period of time.
Neither are our assessments simply desk exercises. As well as
testing, we go out to the factory to check system documentation
and control, making sure that the specification we approve is
capable of being produced consistently.
We also go out on site to see units being offloaded and installed.
That’s because we know that what may seem simple when
explained in a dry office or factory can turn out to be very
different on a building site.
Once we have gathered data from testing, factory inspections
and site surveillance, we consider how we can use it to establish
that the requirements of Building Regulations and other statutory
or non-statutory documents have been met.
BBA Agrément Certificates are regarded as quite simply the best
assurances you can get for your off-site products. With BBA’s 50
years of unrivalled expertise in building and construction
certification, it’s easy to see why.
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01923 665300