Refurb & Restore Issue 35 2024 | Page 58


Now more than ever , we need to look to renewables sources for our heating . Self-sufficiency without the grid is the only way forward
With gas and electricity costs at an all-time high , it is vital that any consumer looks to be more ecological to avoid the economical increases we are facing ! Let ’ s avoid relying on an electricity source and look to our past and rely on a whole home heating solution fueled purely on locally sourced wood . Additionally , our Ecco Stoves emit less particulates than that of an electric generation currently !
Our wholly British made Ecco Stove is a ceramic wood burning stove that is able to heat a 4-bedroom house from as little as 7kg of locally sourced wood ( model dependent ). Made with largely from Silicon Carbide the stove , Ecco Stove is unique in design and ability , one stove is able to heat as much as the whole home without the need for radiators and ducting . Current Eco Design Standards 2022 stoves are the cleanest in combustion ever . Our
Our wholly British made Ecco Stove is a ceramic wood burning stove that is able to heat a 4-bedroom house from as little as 7kg of locally sourced wood ( model dependent ).
Ecco Stove range more satisfies these standards ! Not only do you benefit from more ecological whole home heating , we have up to 5 models to choose from and a broad range of beautiful colour choices . We have an extensive range of optional extras to choose from to make your Ecco Stove fit your lifestyle and needs .
Don ’ t rely on monopoly industry prices , an efficient wood burning stove can interface with existing new technology heating systems whilst maintaining home comforts and indeed heat the whole home without the support of other technologies or reliance on the grid . We implore any consumer to challenge the norm of gas central heating and look for a renewable , self sufficient and more economical solution to heating their homes !
Don ’ t take our word for it , get in touch today to learn more about how an Ecco Stove can change your home .
Find out more on our website : www . eccostove . com Email sales @ eccostove . com or call 01527 857814 to start your journey to self-sufficiency .
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