Refurb & Restore Issue 30 2022 | Page 34

angled element also aligns with the slit windows to provide snapshot views of the landscape beyond as one is moving through the host dwelling .
The large [ 2.6m high ] sliding doors peel back to open the space out into the landscape , bringing in light , sound , interest , and integration with its fantastic surroundings . Limestone terracing is angled to create clean , subtle lines that accentuate the form of the extension and contrast the darkened cladding , while humble landscaping extends out behind sedum-topped gabion walls to provide private seating areas and a small allotment area .
The drama and excitement of entering the new space are enhanced via the use of a historic archway , reopened and lined in oak , this creates a dynamic entrance into the light , open-plan volume from the darkened corridor .
On an evening , the finish to the porcelain cladding catches the setting sun and transforms into a deep , rich copper color that drastically changes the atmosphere of the design , allowing it to settle and serve as a calming , enjoyable space to inhabit while watching the world go by .
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