Refurb & Restore Issue 30 2022 | Page 32

SCHOOL HOUSE Reworking a historic home

The Clients sought to rework their historic home , which is set amongst a tiny village and church , and replace their dilapidated extension with a new , contemporary design to take full advantage of the sublime surroundings and views , creating a more intimate integration between the indoor and outdoor spaces for them to enjoy .
Our initial vision was to create something that strongly contrasted , yet complemented , the historic fabric of the main house , crafting a journey that culminates in panoramic views of the countryside . We curated a playful narrative of denial and reward with the views , starting from the main entrance , the viewpoints unfold and evolve with windows and openings angled and positioned to provide snapshots without giving away the full satisfaction and beauty of the unobstructed landscape until one enters the extension space itself .
The drama and excitement of entering the new space are enhanced via the use of a historic archway , reopened and lined in oak , this creates a dynamic entrance into the light , open-plan volume from the darkened corridor . Wonderful contrast between light and dark plays out throughout the whole scheme , most notably in its porcelain cladding , punctuated by sharp , copper downpipes , which are set against the neutral tones of the original dwelling and its masonry details .
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