Refurb & Restore Issue 30 2022 | Page 27

BIM models and libraries are available directly through Aluprof UK ’ s website and available online in third-party libraries such as bimobject . com . Aluprof systems are also available through the UK ’ s leading NBS Source system which many practices use as their trusted source of BIM data . Should assemblies be required which are not currently in a BIM library , Aluprof ’ s BIM department creates the model to suit the application for the specifier .
For contractors , the benefits include reduced defects on site , reduced costs and greater efficiency .
How does this work in practice ?
Aluprof creates libraries in five software formats : Autodesk AutoCAD ®, Autodesk Revit ®, Autodesk 3DS max ®, Archicad ®, Sketchup ®. A special feature of the models is their interoperability and compatibility between different programs . All models are based on real parameters and technical drawings of the physical product .
The ISO 19650 standard provides a consistent way of presenting and classifying data , including the naming of files , folders and libraries . This is a major benefit when updating libraries , where folders with standardised naming can be easily overwritten instead of manually added , or when duties are taken over by another person unfamiliar with the contents of libraries . Standardisation makes it easier to navigate and manage files .
Katarzyna Aleksandrowicz , BIM Modelling Specialist at Aluprof states that “ A key element when creating the Aluprof product libraries is defining a set of parameters that will accompany each model . We strive to offer the best usability of our libraries in every aspect of the project including construction , planning and facility management . This is made possible by standardised sets of parameters , some of which are filled in during modelling and some of which remain to be completed by the designer . These include technical parameters , visibility parameters , COBie , IFC parameters , together with , Uniclass , Omniclass , MasterFormat and UniFormat classifications .”
Can Aluprof provide bespoke BIM object production and integration service for architects and specifiers if Aluprof systems are to be specified in projects ?
Katarzyna goes on “ Yes , we provide bespoke BIM object production and integration service . At the request of architects , we create models of individual system solutions or provide assistance in their design work . If required , we can generate schedules for facades , windows and doors . We also export models in IFC format , which can be opened in free browsers . In this way , customers can easily and quickly check the most important parameters , measure the object or simply view it in 3D .”
Another strength of the Aluprof models is the defined levels of detail . Magdalena Płocica , Head of the BIM Technology Department says “ We realise that an object that has rich geometry but a low level of information is not a valuable object from the point of view of BIM methodology . A non-geometric layer of the model is also needed . Any geometric , as well as non-geometric information , is an additional load on the model which is also important from the designer ’ s point of view when working on a project , so here at Aluprof we try to optimise our solutions .”
Aluprof provides additional material with their libraries that are helpful when using the models . The folder containing Aluprof models contains tutorials , as well as a welcome page explaining the contents of the folder without having to open the files individually . The tutorial shows the most important information about using the models and their functionality . Specifiers wishing to learn more about the libraries can attend training courses organised by Aluprof ’ s BIM Technology Department ,
during which the product BIM libraries are discussed in detail . Aluprof pride themselves as being an architects ’ ‘ trusted advisor ’ at the very start of any project that may use aluminium windows , doors and facade systems . Involving Aluprof early will ensure that the correct system is chosen for the correct application ensuring cost efficiency later down the design process .
BIM objects for each of our systems can easily be downloaded from our website following a simple registration process .
Since setting up the Aluprof Office at the Business Design Centre in London , the company has rapidly grown their specification influence in the UK with their high-performance architectural aluminium systems . Further expansion of the company ’ s headquarters in Altrincham now provides specifiers with meeting facilities and an extensive showroom of commercial systems to view .
Further information is available on the company ’ s website at aluprof . co . uk or direct from their UK head office in Altrincham on 0161 941 4005 . www . refurbandrestore . co . uk - 27