Refurb & Restore Issue 30 2022 | Page 25

We open up some parts of the internal space to become a semi-open space , therefore allowing the circulation to integrate inside and outside spaces and enrich the spatial experience .
A shear wall structure with a diagonal position is designed to support the up-floor and roof instead of the conventional column . Gap openings are formed as the result of the intersection between the diagonal wall and orthogonal walls , which transforms the space to become penetrating and lightsome as a whole .
The concept of the ‘ order ’ has been emphasized again through interior design . Similar to the material strategy for the external wall , we minimize the use of the material for the interior but attempt to reveal the logic of the construction by using shadow gaps to expose the relationship between columns and floor , walls and ceiling , etc .
The organization of the space is centered by the naturally lighted atrium . We open up some parts of the internal space to become a semi-open space , therefore allowing the circulation to integrate inside and outside spaces and enrich the spatial experience .
Five courtyards with various sizes and functions are plugged into the low-level space for natural light and ventilation purposes . Moreover , courtyards also bring views for inside-outside viewing through .
• Area : 800 m ²
• Year : 2022
• Photos : Natureimage - Jianbo Ke
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