Refurb & Restore Issue 30 2022 | Page 19

Also , on the inside , the structure of the old church was ‘ holy ’. The apartments were carefully designed around the central corridor . When you enter the church , the original height was kept in a large hall with a view of the monumental stained-glass window . The two enormous round-stained glass windows were among the very few religious items left by the bishop which could be integrated into the design .
The architect didn ’ t want to design anonymous white boxes as apartments but instead whenever possible integrated artifacts and elements of the old building in the house . One apartment has the giant safe of the church in its kitchen , other apartments have masonry arches , and some houses have a balcony on the confessional . There is a very narrow but high apartment in the tower and a large loft above the altar .
In order to make the plan feasible , the architect designed 8 extra apartments on top of the church . The somewhat brutalist design fits remarkably well with the rational architecture of the ‘ Wederopbouw ’ period . This element on the roof has its own new foundation built around the existing foundation .
• Photographs : Ossip van Duivenbode
• Contractor / Builders : Van Wijnen Stolwijk
• Structural Engineer Team : CAE Delft
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