Distinctive design combined with value and function
Our range of furniture is the best available throughout Europe if not the world ... Including German engineering excellence , Italian design flare and flamboyance . With a whole lot of Spanish simplicity and practicality thrown in .
We have concept designs used in large national chains throughout the UK and Ireland .
Our range of furniture is the best available throughout Europe if not the world ...
includes photo realistic visuals . AutoCAD is a specialty when creating the environment . But it also allows us to have full integration with the main architects ’ drawings too . record times . Working with contractors or main agents we can ensure easy relations . Technical expertise abounds with both us and our manufacturers and suppliers .
We offer a complete design service within our available options . This
Still with relatively short lead-times we can turnaround completed salons in www . albertewandesign . com
30 - www . refurbandrestore . co . uk