Refurbishment & Restore
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Editor-in-Chief Antony Holter T : 01304 806039 E : editor @ mhmagazine . co . uk
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4-5 Malvern
Modern extension with bespoke shaped gable end glazing ,
8-10 Can I see you in my kitchen ?
Schüller launches a new kitchen range with built-in office
12-13 Direct Tile Warehouse
16-18 Liberty
Rhian ’ s Magnificent Monochrome Bathroom Renovation
DBR integral to the restoration of London ’ s most famous department store
20-21 How fast is your home ?
New research reveals two fifths ( 41 %) of homeowners agree that products purchased for home renovations should be sustainably sourced .
24-25 CPMG Architects
28-29 Edge
AWARD-WINNING architectural firm CPMG Architects has moved into its stunning new headquarters in Nottingham city centre
Bringing a Victorian house into the 21st century
32-33 Vita Living Apartments Design and value objectives met
36-37 StudioBua
Studio Bua remodels cramped Victorian townhouse to create a light , storage-filled family home
40-43 Big Trend Predictions
Industville Reveal their Trend Predictions for 2022
46-47 £ 5.4m extension
£ 5.4m museum extension housing iconic WW2 plane celebrated
52-53 Modular Extensions
Sharing an insight into the benefits of modular extensions Edward Medd , Co-Founder of bespoke modular buildings specialist Vita Modular , answers some commonly asked questions
MH Media Global Ltd Innovation House , Discovery Park , Ramsgate Road , Sandwich , Kent , CT13 9FD
Cover Image Courtesy of IQ Glass UK
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in Refurbishment & Restore however , the publishers accept no responsibility for the claims or opinions made by advertisers , manufacturers or contributors . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means , mechanical , electronic ( including photocopying ) or stored in any information retrieval system without the prior consent of the publisher .
Featured Categories
Editor ’ s Choice |
6-15 |
Coatings , Sealants & Paints |
19 |
Doors , Windows & Fittings |
20-23 |
Heating , Ventilation & Insulation |
26 |
Interiors & Interior Design |
28-37 |
Lighting & Electrical |
38-43 |
Roofing , Cladding & Facades |
44-45 |
Safety & Security |
48-51 |
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