Refurb & Restore Issue 28 2022 | Page 19

Market leading paving brand Geo-Fix ® only available from Bond It
From 15th February we are pleased to announce that Bond It have acquired the sole distribution rights for the market leading Geo-Fix ® All Weather and Geo-Fix ® Original Paving Jointing Compounds .
When Geo-Fix ® Original was first brought to market 25 years ago , the paving industry was a completely different landscape compared to today . With traditional cementitious jointing products causing huge problems for Local Authorities and contractors , it soon became clear that an alternative solution was required .
After listening to the needs of the paving industry , Geo-Fix ® developed a new technology using sand polymers to create Geo-Fix ® Original brush-in jointing compound – a truly original product that revolutionised traditional jointing methods . In 2013 , the range was enhanced to include Geo-Fix ® All Weather jointing compound , a superior brush-in sand that can be used in all weathers , and now offer a
selection of beautiful coloured sands to complement all designs and tastes .
Geo-Fix ® is a ready mixed jointing that is simply brushed and compacted in to joints with minimal effort . Available in 2 versions , Original in 20kg buckets in Buff and Grey and All Weather in 14kg buckets in Stone , Mid Grey , Anthracite , Graphite and Slate Grey .
Bond It are a British manufacturer with 20 years ’ experience manufacturing and supplying the construction , building and DIY markets .
Dean Morgan Managing Director of Bond It says ; “ We are excited about distributing the Geo-Fix ® range . The team are committed to providing exceptional products and service and I am confident together we will produce even greater opportunities for our customers .”
Contact 01422 315300 or email sales @ bonditgroup . com for more information .
Silicate Masonry Paint for all surfaces
A newly formulated Bonding Primer from Earthborn can now be used alongside Silicate Masonry Paint for exterior masonry surfaces that do not need to breathe . Bonding Primer provides a mechanical bond between a ‘ sealed ’ wall and the paint , allowing Silicate Masonry Paint to ‘ stick ’ to the pre painted surface .
And in places where there is a mix of painted and unpainted masonry , you can now spot prime the patches where the previous paint cannot be removed with
Bonding Primer and prime the rest of the unpainted area with Silicate Primer .
The updated Earthborn product range means that Silicate Primer used on uncoated masonry with Silicate Masonry Paint will create a highly breathable and permanent chemical bond .
This new primer means the 48 beautiful shades can be used on an even wider range of buildings , including those with a mix of previously painted and bare masonry . www . bonditgroup . com www . earthbornpaints . co . uk
www . drschutz . co . uk
Your partners in production
If you are looking for a professional spray system to paint houses look no further than our impressive range of Apollo turbines and Airlessco machines .
If you are focusing on woodwork i . e ., spindles , frames , banisters , kitchens etc . than an Apollo HVLP turbine is the way to go . A choice of units ranging from 3 to 5-stage all including the award-winning Apollo 7700 spray gun .
For larger jobs we suggest an
airless sprayer , such as our Airlessco LP555 & LP655 series machines . These robust and industrious machines provide everything you need and more to spray walls , ceilings , and exteriors .
If it ’ s sprayable we ’ ve got you covered !
For more information , please call on 01509 237415 or email us at info @ totalcoatingsystems . com
www . totalcoatingsystems . com www . refurbandrestore . co . uk - 19