REFUGIUM: Natural resources management Pro by Tomek Pietrzak in early of 2018 _5H0VOLUME_natural_resources_management_pro | Page 3
swamps & montane ecosystems. In those biological hot spot exist many
unknown species of fauna & flora(wildlife). there are need to start-up
innovative high-tech tools and gadgets for monitor the environmental
components and study of status of this little known critters and larger
forms. No matter what those are, water monster fish hucho taimen, one
jaszczur varanid species or two monkeys. but what about magical tetrapod
community of species from montane of central asia? how many species
remain unknown for citizen science & territory exploration? don't forget
about magical caucasus nature and their forms.
by thomasquatl_2018/styczen/rq8tdhe4/ Quatl Pietrzak