REFUGIUM: Natural resources management Pro by Tomek Pietrzak in 2017 XVDEM._field explory & new technologies | Page 3

      so –called sustainable development natural resources management wildlife management & natural history tech development digital tech stuff cybernetic progress UN EN/ GEF/ IUCN / NAT RES JOB/ EXPLORERS CLUB/ NINA Norway/ EOCA/ MINING INDUSTRY/ ETC. ------------[QUANTUM PLOT:] INTRO II: We are keen for setting up new international structure-framework devoted scientific exploration & field study in the name of innovative digital-tech development or wild species seeking. Those commercial group we called ENVIRONMENTAL LEGACY ASSOCIATION EU . Adventure fiction story perspectives are good solution for standarizing field project and popularizing more field study through video games and adventure fiction stories, or via capacity building by e.g. wildlife research & management. Other initiatives are especially innovative tech development in medicine and modern lifestyle and mining industry (e.g. copper and jadeite mines). It is only imaginative solutions that are in fact need to be consider on with local business lines. Further assumptions for expedition via cybernetic 7d-4fj and perspectives for setting SCI-FI NEW ATLANTIS 4xow8 – innovative