Reflections Magazine Issue #87 - Fall 2018 | Page 31

Alumni Feature Siena Heights Announces 2018 Alumni Award Winners This Year’s Recipients Will Be Honored Oct. 5 During Homecoming Weekend Honorary Alumni Award to ensure the safety of the residents of his county. In addition to his work life, Dr. Robert Gordon Tommy in known for playing Tecumseh, MI bagpipes with the 35th In- dian Pipes and Drums. He loves to use this talent for good and often honors our veterans by playing after their Honor Flight home. Local elementary students know him as ‘Tommy the Piper’ as he volunteers every Bob Gordon’s three-plus year at multicultural night decades of service to Siena where he arrives in full Scot- Heights reflect a deep com- tish gear and plays his pipes mitment to student learning, to their delight. a consistent openness to new ideas and new technol- Sister Ann ogy, and an unwavering Joachim Award embrace of Siena’s Adrian Dominican roots. Even now, Paula Zimmer ’69 some years into his retire- Madison Heights, MI ment, he remains engaged with the people, programs and values of the institution. He is a true embodiment of the mission and spirit of Siena Heights making him an excellent choice for an Honorary Alumni. Paula worked as a legal aid Recent Graduate attorney and executive di- rector at Oakland-Livingston Award Legal Aid and also worked Thomas Thompson ’09 at the Michigan Poverty Law Burlington, KY Project in Ann Arbor. Like Sister Ann Joachim, Paula’s determination to minister to those in need stayed with her throughout long years of providing legal advice and guidance to others. She worked with pregnant teens, teaching them about their Thomas ‘Tommy’ Thompson rights. She educated law serves as Director of Emer- students hired as legal aid gency Communications in interns in her agency, and Kenton Co., KY. In this role, she assisted the elderly by he works to improve 911 helping them to understand emergency communications their rights and to gain ac- cess to legal services to which they were entitled. Paula advocated always for the people she served in- cluding young and old, the underprivileged and the poor and suffering in the State of Michigan. Saint Dominic Award Saint Dominic Award Sean Jorgensen ’95 Monroe, MI Beth McCullough ’86 Adrian, MI Sean Jorgensen serves as President of St. Mary Catho- lic Central High School in Monroe, MI. He is a tireless advocate for Catholic Educa- tion and has been instru- mental in his work to ensure that financial barriers do not keep students from attend- ing his school. He instills the Dominican values of educa- tion, preaching, and com- munity into everything he does with his students. A recent graduating class cel- ebrated 100% college ac- ceptance and over 9,000 hours of Christian service under his leadership. His heart for mission and living the gospel is evident in his leading faculty and students on multiple mission trips to Guatemala. Beth McCullough ’86 serves as Homeless Coordinator at Adrian Public Schools as well as Lenawee County. Each year she helps improve the lives and educational opportunities of countless homeless youth in Lenawee County. Because of her ef- forts, she has received na- tional acclaim and been recognized by the White House. For her work and leadership in our community and beyond, we recognize her with the Saint Dominic Award. Outstanding Alumni Award Michael Kirk Lane ’05 Astoria, NY Michael Kirk Lane works professionally in theater in New York City. He focuses his time in the Cabaret com- munity and is a two-time nominee for the MAC Award. His love of theater has been a springboard for many related good works. He is an associate producer for No Strings Productions creating puppet films for children in troubled regions. Michael is known for his creative generosity to SHU and spends countless hours of his time back in Adrian assisting with theater pro- ductions such as Laramie Project Ten Years Later. As former President of the Alumni Board, he continues to give of himself freely for Siena events and is very dedicated to this University.