Reflections Magazine Issue #72 - Summer 2010 | Page 24

Feature Bad to Be Good (continued) Part of the training is coordinating each move to prevent injury and still preserve the realism of the event. He said his scariest moment in the ring was performing a “moon salt,” or a back flip onto another wrestler. “The crowd loved it, and we were still alive,” said Hamblin. As with many dreams, sacrifice is involved. For starters, he often performs at events around the Midwest for not much more than gas money. And it’s also cost him his girlfriend, who asked him to choose between her and wrestling. “And I had to go with wrestling,” he said. Meet the 2010 Alumni Award Winners Alumni Awards will be presented Saturday, Oct. 2, at 2 p.m. during Homecoming. Meet the honorees throughout the weekend at seminars, special events and the alumni banquet. Captain Harold Love ’08 Clarkston, Michigan Recent Graduate Award Harold, who is second District Commander of the Michigan State Police, will be honored for leadership and commitment to community, career, family and faith. He will speak with students and alumni at a Saturday morning savvy seminar. Trudy McSorley ’70 Adrian, Michigan Saint Dominic Award At home, his mother, once a big supporter of his amateur wrestling career, is not too fond of his professional aspirations. “My mom hates it,” he said. “Every time I come home, it’s either my back’s killing me or my neck, my arm or shoulders. She says, ‘Why don’t you just stop wrestling?’ I said, ‘I can’t. I love it.’ ” Trudy will be honored for living Siena’s Dominican values as long-time director of child drama, professor of theater and, since 2004, dean for students. She will lead alumni Homecoming heritage tours on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Hamblin must also decide if he should move to Florida this year to continue his training. His ultimate go