from the chairperson of the board
The Siena Heights Tradition
Continues Because of You
The fall season has always been my favorite time
of year. For me, fall always takes me to a time in
the 1970s when I was a student living at the University. The final leg of any trip took me down
Siena Heights Drive, where the color of the trees
and the warmth of the blanket of leaves on the
ground welcomed me home. Although I missed
family and friends at my parents’ home in the
suburbs of Chicago, this wonderful community
was becoming my new home, where I could
grow up prepared to meet the world head-on
in my own way.
Fall was the time when school had started up
again. Friends, faculty and fellow students from
New York, New Jersey, Detroit, Adrian and
from around the globe would return to Siena
Heights (College) to learn, love and become.
SHC was a wonderful place to be then; SHU is
a wonderful place to be now!
The traditions I treasure from my experience
at SHU continue to this day because of the
generosity of our benefactors, including, but
not limited to, administration, faculty, support
staff, alumni, this wonderful Lenawee County
community, our Dominican Sisters, our Board
of Trustees and many more who work hard and
gather and give generously to provide an exceptional educational experience for our students.
As chairperson of the Board of Trustees, I am
proud to say we have made friends for life with
the people who have smiled upon our University
with generous gifts of time, talent and treasure.
It is with great pleasure that I announce this
year that each and every member of the Board
of Trustees has given a gift of financial support
to Siena Heights University. Our Trustees are
a gifted group of people who take the time and
work hard to make positive decisions on behalf
of the University. They are conscientious people
who lend their skills to the University so that the
same, or perhaps an even better education, will
always be available to our students.
The financial support received honors the memory and proudly maintains the integrity of the
University for those who have completed their
education with us, earned their degree or moved
on to another stage in life. One hundred percent
Board participation speaks volumes of the people who serve as Trustees and also to the quality
of those who we serve and educate. We are very
fortunate to have these folks on our Board.
I sincerely thank you, our Board of Trustees and
all of our benefactors, foundations, institutions
and people alike, for your continued consideration and generosity. May God continue to bless
you and hold you in the palm of His hand, safe
and secure.
The Honorable Margaret M. S. Noe ’75, JD
Chairperson of the Board
Siena Heights University
2008 Annual President’s Report