Campus News
to be a part of Siena. Thanks to the generous
support of our alumni, friends, faculty and staff,
we’re making a real difference.”
Advancement Records and Research and
2002-05 as Manager of Advancement Office
Operations, Records and Research.
Several factors have helped make this year so
successful, one of which was a $500,000
matching grant challenge from the Adrian
Dominican Sisters to current and former SHU
board members. Thanks to the generosity
of past and present board members, that
challenge was met. The Phone-A-Thon is
another point of pride. Student callers generated just under $95,000 in pledges this year.
Two years ago, that total was around $18,000.
In the area of planned giving, Siena Heights
University received $371,000 from the estate of
former SHU board member Margaret Rueckert.
Thanks to a $16,041 grant from the Dorothy &
Maurice Stubnitz Foundation, Siena Heights
University will purchase a portable dance floor
that can be used in various locations on campus.
The 20-by-30-foot floor will be installed in the
Stubnitz Lab Theatre on a semi-permanent
basis. However, the dance floor could also be
used in Francoeur Theatre, allowing students
to stage a full dance recital – never before an
option at Siena. Siena Heights would be able
to invite in professional dance troupes, thereby
expanding the artistic offerings Siena could
provide to its students and the community.
Additionally, the floor could be transported
to the Fieldhouse for use at university events
where dancing is desired. This space can be
fully utilized by Siena Heights’ dance instructors
without limiting flexibility of the teaching
environment. When the room usage dictates
full carpeting, the dance floor is easily removed
and either stored