The Alumni
Greetings Fellow Alumni Association Members,
It’s a pleasure to provide you with an update from your Alumni Association Board of
Directors. At our retreat last May, we outlined the following goals for 2004-2005:
1. Promote the Alumni Association to current and prospective alumni and the
Siena community.
2. Support and promote the University’s fundraising efforts.
Staff, Faculty and
Friends Visit Siena
In the next issue of
Reflections we’ll take
you to Siena, Italy…
President Artman and
others will share their
3. Explore enrichment and service opportunities for alumni and for the Alumni Board.
“reflections” on the Board
4. Increase the breadth and diversity of Alumni Board membership.
to the birthplace of our
5. Begin planning now—in all committees and all areas—so that we have new ideas
on the schedule by next spring.
With a successful Alumni Weekend concluded, many of you had the opportunity
to experience some of the new and different ways we are working to accomplish
our goals. This year, we hosted several new Alumni Weekend events including the
Show and Shine Car Show, the Alumni Brew-Off, and our Savvy Seminars. We also
expanded on last year’s successful first-try efforts, with another rousing Alumni v.
Faculty/Staff Softball Game and a wonderful and well-attended Prayer Brunch. Our
partners in the athletic department also added a Saturday morning road race and
fun-run to the schedule, so it was a very busy weekend!
As President of the Alumni Board, I have the honor of leading a truly dedicated and
diverse group of individuals, who are united in their love for our university and its
alumni. We are also blessed to have a talented and capable Alumni Relations Director in Jennifer Hamlin Church. It is truly a great time to serve on the Alumni Board! I
encourage you to contact Jennifer or myself if you are interested in working with the
Board on behalf of your alma mater—or if you wo [Z