conducted several workshops for son High School and taught high
the Lenawee Chamber of Com- school in Dundee for 18 years.
Marcia Best ‘76 lives in AlbuJanet Huvaere ‘72 has been querque, NM, where she recently
doing secretarial work in a parish moved her fiber design business,
office since retiring. She lives in BestGraphics, to “better serve my
Harrison Township.
client base. I am still painting and
am participating in a two-person
Margaret “Mo” Mollica Zarshow in December of this year.”
band ‘72 and her husband,
Tony, live in Asheville, NC. She Albert Swindle ‘76 of Adrian, an
writes: “We moved so many inventory specialist in Ann Arbor,
times. Sorry I lost contact. Would is a candidate for the Michigan
love to hear from classmates State Senate, 16th District.
([email protected]).
Jane Payeur Kelley ‘77 is the
have three beautiful children
new chief of police for the Vilaged 22, 19 and 16; and work as
lage of Blissfield.
a hospice nurse. Got my B.S.N.
from Oakland University.”
received the Lenawee County
D. Jean Heller Britton ‘75 is
Chamber of Commerce Athena
the new director of the South and
Award for 2002, in recognition
West Washtenaw Consortium,
of her volunteer contributions to
a cooperative effort between
the Lenawee community. She is
Saline, Milan, Chelsea, Manchesdirector of the Weber Center