Information received
after November 15 will
appear in the special
Spring issue.
Cecelia Lambert ‘45 relocated
to North Fort Myers, FL, from
Caseville earlier this year.
Mary Lou Fox Litke ‘46 and
husband Victor have two new
great grandchildren—Cameron
and Sarah. The Litkes live in
Kathleen McLoughlin Sherzer
‘50 says, “have 8 granddaughters. Willing to consider arranged
marriage contract with those with
grandsons!” Kathleen and husband John live in Ann Arbor.
Beatrice Decker Evans ‘52 lives
in Warren and works as a substitute teacher.
Rita Geiger Schwing ‘52 and
husband Fred of Surf City, NJ,
just welcomed their 12th grandchild. Rita quips “gift shopping
for Christmas and birthdays has
become a full-time job.”
Joan Chopp Scheuermann ‘53
wants to hear from the classes
of ‘50 & ‘53 ([email protected]).
She and husband Robert have 6
grown children and are the proud
grandparents of 17 grandchildren,
the last of whom was born on All
Saints Day. The Scheuermanns
live in Pleasant Ridge.
Marcine Klemm, OP ‘55 was
involved in education for 32
years. After 18 years in administration, she returned to Siena as
a staff member, first in Humanities and now as assistant to the
Academic Dean. Marcine says,
“Siena is a wonderful place for
ministry, challenge and spirit.”
time in the SHU Southfield and St. Mary Catholic Church and
Lansing centers. She lives in now serves as Eucharistic minister. She lives on the family farm
Ann Arbor.
in Chelsea with her two brothers
Gail McDonald Baulch ‘57
and enjoys vegetable and flower
loves California and has lived
there for 37 years. She retired
from Sears in 2000 after 22 years Patricia Lang Stewart ‘60 (forof employment. She and hus- merly Sr. Juana, OP) has “retired”
band Michael have 5 children after 35 years of teaching. She
teaches and paints in her own art
and 9 grandchildren.
studio. She and husband Arthur
Lucille Miller ‘58 (formerly
live in Panama City, FL. Patricia
Alphonse Marie, OP) is retired in
would love to know if any Siena
South Lyon. She has one daughgraduates are in her area.
ter, Kelly Ann.
Michaelene Pasternacki Kubeck
Rochelle Bellegarde Weaver
‘61 and husband George are
‘59 and husband Bill have 3 adult
grandparents to three-year-old
children, Guy, Timothy and JeanEmily and are eagerly awaiting
nine. Rochelle enjoys life in Sun
the arrival of Emily’s little sister!
City, TX, where she plays golf,
Michaelene retired from her posibridge, participates in the Comtion as an engineer at The Boeing
puter Club, Fabric and Fiber Club
Company two years ago. The
and is very active with Habitat
Kubecks live in Stanton, CA.
for Humanity. Habitat is starting
their second house in George- Alice Robie Resnick ‘61 was
town. She writes, “Jeannemarie the guest speaker at SHU for Fall
Whitlow Mosley is organizing a Convocation. The title of her
Caribbean Cruise for our class, talk was “The Constant in Life...
‘59, and including classes of ‘58 Truth.” In 1988 she became the
and ‘60. The cruise will sail in first woman in 66 years to be
September of 2002. Anyone elected to the Ohio State Supreme
interested in joining us, let us Court. Justice Resnick is serving
know (rlweaver@cox-internet. her third term.
Nancyann Turner, OP ‘63, program director for women and
children at the Capuchin Soup
Kitchen, lives in Detroit and
Karen Erickson ‘60 is conduct- writes, “I started this new mining research on anti-cancer and istry just two years ago. Up to
anti-HIV materials in marine that time the soup kitchen only
organisms at the National Cancer fed people’s bodies; now, they
Institute. She is a chemistry pro- are trying to feed children’s spirfessor at Clark University and its also. Currently, we have a
lives in North Oxford, MA.
children’s library, an extensive
Helen Laier, OP ‘60 celebrated art therapy program, tutoring,
her 50-year jubilee as a sister in children’s peace garden, comthe Adrian Dominican Order. puter training and a gospel choir,
After a career spanning two as well as special programs like a
decades of teaching elemen- summer peace camp and cooking
tary school, Sr. Helen became classes during the summer.”
ciate professor and chair of
communications at John Carroll
University. A longtime freelance
journalist and consultant in communications (particularly for religious institutions), Sr. Mary Ann
lives in Bedford, OH.
Barbara Vereb Piatak ‘64
sends greetings to Siena peers.
She manages The Wren House
in Chagrin Falls, OH, and is
involved in several civic and service organizations. Barbara has
2 grown daughters and lives in
Solon, OH.
Mary Hoban Zollner ‘64 and
husband Karl are members of the
Michigan Peace Team, a group
whose mission is to create nonviolent alternatives to militarism
and force to resolve conflict and
restore peace. Mary went to
Terre Haute, IN, at the time of
Timothy McVeigh’s execution
to help prevent clashes between
those who support and those who
oppose the death penalty. Mary
says “I firmly believe the only
way we can resolve some of the
bigger problems in the world is to
resolve them in our little corner of )ѡ