One of seven children, four of whom
entered religious life, Delaplane grew up
in Chicago. After entering the Adrian
Dominican Congregation, she earned an
English degree at Siena Heights. She also
holds master’s degrees in English and
religious studies from the University of
She taught English to inner city high school
students in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s
before enrolling to earn her M.Div. at the
all-male Cyril Methodius seminary. After
that, she was ready to join her loves of
Scripture, speech, drama, English and
pastoral theology in a preaching career.
Becoming a preacher, and a teacher of
preachers, was not what Delaplane or others
might have predicted for her when she was
young. At Siena’s alumni award ceremony,
she shared a vivid memory of standing on
stage as a young girl, terrified of speaking.
“Thank you to all those who pushed me to
a potential far beyond my own imagining,”
she said.
Sr. Ann Joachim Award
The Sister Ann Joachim Award is
presented to alumni for activities that
demonstrate strong leadership, the
ability to get things done and the
capacity to confront issues head-on
while maintaining the image and
spirit of the University.
“I am humbled,” Weber said
receiving the award. Sister Ann was a
great woman and a great role model
to all of us.” Recalling that she and
other students held Ann Joachim in
“absolute awe,” Weber noted that
Kloeckner family members of all ages made receiving
the Recent Graduate Award a special occasion for Mary
Sister Ann taught her an important
Helen Kloeckner ‘89.
lesson about expectations: “When
someone expects things of you,
She does that by filling her days with an
you perform.”
overflowing agenda of commitments and
Weber began teaching chemistry at Siena
responsibilities. She teaches [