Reflections Magazine Issue #48 - Spring 1998 | Page 24
Ms. Martha Ann Walker
Ms. Kathleen Wallace
Mr. James B. Walsh
Mr. Thomas W. Walz
Weatherwax Foundation *** *
Thomas & Lesley Weidner *
Ms. Sheila S. Wendorf
Whirlpool Corporation Foundation
Ms. Susan Marie Wickham
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Willnow
Dr. Gertraud Wollschlaeger
Ms. Christine M. Wrona **
Dr. Richard S. Youngs, D.D.S.
Ms. Louise Yuen
Mr. Aldo Zid
Zonta Club of Lenawee **
Ms. Jenelle Zook
In memory of Mary Leona Brogan, OP
Kevin & Marcia Lavin
In memory of Rae Jack Comar
Pauline Comar
In memory of Petronilla Francoeur, OP
Marilyn Francoeur, OP
In memory of Virgil Gladieux
Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Artman
A. Evelyn Capoun
Gifts & Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Reuther
In memory of Patricia Hogan, OP
Patricia Johnson, OP
Leonard & Mary Frances Reynolds
In memory of M. Ann Joachim, OP
Betty Hartley Worthington
In memory of Jeannine Klemm, OP
Lloraine Bell
In memory of Benedicta Marie Ledwidge,
Marcia & Kevin Lavin
In memory of Dorothy Meade
Mary Alice & Peter Tavolier
In memory of Cheryl Ann ONeill
Lionel ONeill
In memory of Marie Page
Arthur J. Adams
Judith M. Bartel
Anne L. Best
Herbert T. Brogan
Roberta E. Brown
Paula Cagney
Charles J. Falahee
Kathleen M. Fost