"Reflections" A Collection of Writing by students in Bray and Wicklow Collection 1 | Page 27

Why I returned to learning By David Nolan I returned to learning so that I could better my writing and reading skills. I do four mornings a week and I’m going for my QQI for computers and writing this year. Since I started, I have improved my social skills and I now interact with more people. We get a break time and that gives everyone time to get to talk about what is new and how have they been. I have my own transport in the form of a car so getting in is not bad. We sometimes get homework and have to do this at home which sometimes may be hard or impossible to do but there’s always a way like going to the library. Once the year is over, I’ll get my qualification and I hope to carry on with furthering my education, either here, in the Centre or in another place.