Reflection Issue 27 | Page 52

an opportunity to focus on providing feedback on dispositions required for teaching such as initiative, caring, empathy, amongst many others. In terms of the Australian context, schools are now focusing their attention on the 21st century skills that were identified in the Melbourne Declaration. These skills are “thinking, creativity, teamwork and communication” and are included in the general capabilities section of the Australian Curriculum. The theory behind the platform There is a direct association between the quality of the teacher and the quality of education. Hence, when dealing with the challenges of teacher education practicum assessment there needs to be some consideration given to on the way in which teacher educators are being assessed within the 21st century educational environment. This challenge is multifaceted and includes issues such as feedback processes, and excessive time commitments for the classroom teacher who is acting as a supervisor and the impact this has on teacher effectiveness. The CeMeE software is designed to address these and other stumbling blocks to educational effectiveness; therefore reducing the perpetuation of a model that emphasises a master-apprentice relationship. While this was been useful in meeting the needs of an Industrial Society, it is now time for practicum assessment and the recording of student progress to reflect elements which are more conducive to a 21 st century workplace. CeMeE promotes more of a coaching role for the supervising teacher as opposed to that of a master or expert. Unpacking this view of the supervising teacher, within the context of a coaching role, the supervising teacher will need to exhibit the following qualities; knowledge, vision, a giving nature and a guiding disposition. The supervising teacher will have the knowledge about the area that they are working in. They will possess the vision to know, understand and notice where a gap of knowledge may arise. They will also have a giving nature whereby they will demonstrate to their pre-service teacher the love or passion they have for the job. Finally, they will guide the pre-service teacher in assisting them to reach their aspirations. Hence The key application of the software is to help to establish a collaborative working environment between the pre service teacher and their supervisor. This collaborative working environment is designed to encourage a relationship that facilitates positive and constructive dialogue between the supervisor and their pre service teacher. The software helps to establish this dialogue via the use of ‘agreed’ standards whereby the supervisor and their pre service teacher engage in a collaborative discussion about what the pre-service teacher will need to demonstrate to the supervisor so that they (pre service teacher) can effectively show their superviso ȁѡ