There are several organizations servicing our growing need to provide housing to meet the needs of these individuals . We invite you to review our information for the following housing programs : Community Housing , Transitional Housing for Offender Reentry ( THOR ), and Reentry Partnership Housing ( RPH ). We can not meet this growing need without organizations or providers such as yourself .
Our Reentry staff is committed to establishing new partnerships with local and statewide housing providers and making referrals to the provider ( s ) which best fits the needs of the individual and provider .
Our Housing Unit is tasked with recruiting and training new and interested providers , and conducting compliance monitoring to ensure housing providers remain within the guidelines established by DCS . Housing staff are also responsible for referring individuals to appropriate housing providers .
Telsiha Allen , Cobb Circuit Community Coordinator
For those who may be interested in providing housing opportunities for justice involved individuals , we have a couple options : Transitional Housing for Offender Reentry ( THOR ) or becoming a Community Housing Resources .
Community Housing Access to community housing resources that are available for rent or lease . Individuals seeking community housing may have the means to pay monthly rent but are faced with the obstacle of identifying a property owner who is willing to provide housing . Community Housing partners are willing to provide housing options to justice involved individuals .
Transitional Housing for Offender Reentry ( THOR ) Transitional Housing for Offender Reentry ( THOR ) is a community-based housing option for individuals currently under community supervision . The two types of housing facilities contained in the THOR directory are structured housing and recovery residences . Structured Housing ( SH ) - Residents need a healthy and safe environment to live , but are not required to attend substance abuse services or substance abuse counseling . Recovery Residences ( RR ) - Residents need a more restrictive environment than outpatient services to establish or maintain abstinence from alcohol and other drugs and criminal behavior . Designation as a recovery residence in THOR requires accreditation from a minimum of one of the following agencies : GARR , DCH , CARF , or JCAHO .
Reentry Partnership Housing ( RPH ) The goal of the Reentry Partnership Housing ( RPH ) program is to provide short term housing assistance to help stabilize an actively supervised individual ' s reentry process to enhance his or her ability to remain crime free .
To become a THOR provider , interested parties must review and submit the following documents :
Consent Form
All of these forms and more can be found on the THOR website .
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