Switch lights off! Like all electrical
items, switch off the lights when they're
not in use.
Turn it down in winter and up in summer. Set
the temperature on your heating system a little
lower in the cold months and higher in the hot
ones to save energy.
Use laptops. Get a laptop instead of a desktop – it
consumes five times less electricity. If you must
have a desktop, make sure you get
an LCD screen instead of an
outdated CRT screen.
Wash economically. Use your
washing machine or dishwasher
only when you have a full load, and
select economy programmes and/or the lowest
possible temperature.
Hang it out to dry. Drying your
clothes on a clothes line, either inside
or outside, uses no energy at all! If this
is not an option, make sure your
washing machine is spinning your
clothes properly, reducing drying time.