REDNews January 2015 - Southeast Cover January 2015 | Page 25

REDNews 1. If you and FOR SALE OR LEASE - 2,200you DO 26,000 SF AVAILABLE 24 hours. to NOT have changes please sign, dateproof return. within 2. If HAVE CHANGES, indicate changes on and return 3. Proofs not returned within 24 hours will be considered approved to run AS IS. 4. Ads or inserts cancelled after the 10th of the month will be billed 100%. 6400 Southwest Freeway, Houston TX (exit US 59/Hillcroft) July 2012 Send your e to Deals jonathan@redne Lila Construction HP CP Ginger Wheless LilaCo_RN_HP_0712_01.indd BC 06.12.12 2 Using the information in this ad, property information will be sent to LoopNet to be added/updated in their listing service (at no cost to you). To opt-out, contact us at [email protected] • 2,200 - 26,000 SF Available Metro Transit Area • Easy access to / from US 59 / Westpark (adjacent to Metro Transit Park and Ride) • Playground area and parking spaces (100 to 120) • Recommended facility usage: Education, Medical Office, Engineering wy tF es hw ut So SITE Elizabeth Stevens | Lila Construction || 713.741.9900Freeway, Houston, TX FOR LEASE (near US 59 / Hillcroft) 6400 Southwest | [email protected] 23,000 SF Immediate Move-in Available | 3,500 SF and 2,200 SF Also Available • Easy access to / from US 59 / Westpark, Adjacent to Metro Transit Park & Ride • Prior southwest school location with more than 120 Parking spaces & playground area • Possible uses: Education, Medical, Engineering, Manufacturing, Retail Great Investment Opportunity in the Major Growth Area SPRING TOMBALL 133 Acres for FOR LEASE | Cedar Lane Texas Parkway, Missouri City TX 2306 - 2428 21327 s 1 / 1,250 Retail Spaces133 AC Farm Available 2,500 SF7.5 Mile SF / 21,000 SF Full-time or are Weekend Rancher! • Price PSFlargefrom $0.55 for the smaller spaces and 1 $0.30 for space. Mile Grand Parkway - HW I-45 Y 99 Close to everything yet a Elizabeth Stevens | Lila Construction | 713.741.9900 | [email protected] country setting $6,650,000 HW