Rediscover America Issue 3 - November 2016 | Page 3


The Fenelon Place elevator iin Dubuque, Iowa is the world’s shortest, steepest scenic railway, 296 feet in length, elevating passengers 189 feet from Fourth Street to Fenelon Place. Where you will see a magnificent view of the historic Dubuque business district, the Mississippi River and three states.

It costs $3.00 round trip.

The final resting place of President William McKinley is located in Canton, Ohio.

McKinkley, the 25th United States President is buried in this beautiful large circular, domed mausoleum.

In 1901 - $600,000 was raised to build the structure which sits upon a grass covered hill overlooking the city.

The bronze doors were the largest ever in the nation at the time of construction.

The bodies of McKinley and his wife lie side by side in two polished, dark-green, granite sarcophagi, resting atop a ten-foot-square of polished dark maroon granite in the center of the space.