First thing is to fish light.
I usually use a 3000 size threadline
with no more than 20lb braid and 20lb
The amount of times I’ve been asked leader and don’t be afraid to go lighter
where I catch these fish is outstanding, if needed to get the bite. This fished over
however my answer is always the same - a matching 6 to 7 foot rod and you’re in
the fish are where you find them.
There is no secret spot or location and There are 3 ways I fish for these fish.
to be honest every bit of structure with
light shining on the water will hold these Firstly if I can see fish actively feeding
fish at certain times. It’s up to you to do in the lights, it’s time to tie on a shallow
the leg work and get an understanding running hardbody, The Zerek Barra X
of their habits. Anywhere with plenty of Pro is my go to for this. I fish it relatively
structure, light and current will have all quick with barra-style twitches along
the edges of the light. Some of the hits
the ingredients to produce fish.
while doing this can be amazing with
large threadfin taking to the air before
powering off trying to wrap you up on
anything they can find.
Baitfish are the key ingredient! The first
thing to look for when approaching an
area to fish is surface activity. Generally
you will be looking for prawns and
baitfish jumping and flicking on the
surface and if it’s really firing you may
even get a glimpse of a threadfin chasing
a skipping prawn along the surface.
This really gets the heart pumping!
TacklE &
These fish can be in different moods
from one night to the next and being
able to adapt to the change is very