So what are the
advantages of
the Baitcaster?
Big Lures
advantages are
many but the main one is their ability
to actually cast these lures all day and
not have the angler seeking remedial
massage and a session of physio
the following day. This castability
is achieved through the blank’s
construction and the design of the
rod. They were designed to cast big
swimbaits for barra, mulloway and
cod and these often weigh around
the 40-120g mark. These lures are
seriously big these days. The slower
taper of the
V e n o m
Baitcasting rods allows anglers to
punch out long casts. The rods are
more like the action seen in longer
GT popping rods and some design
features have certainly been borrowed
from the GT popping rods in the
Venom stable. That ability to load the
rod without overloading the tip on
the strongest of casts is paramount
to the delivery system. The Venom
baitcasters have this in spades.