Detoxing and Dieting : The Difference
Why Detoxing Is Better
Detoxing and Dieting : The Difference
As mentioned in the introduction , detoxification is the process of expelling toxins from your body . An effective way of doing so is preventing the said toxins from entering your system in the first place .
Now , when you ’ re dieting , you usually :
� Cut out certain foods from your daily diet according to the guidelines of the diet plan you are following
� Restrict the number of calories you consume on a daily basis
Detoxing , on the other hand , involves changing your eating habits to reduce your intake of foods that contain toxins or toxic substances . Because your body is constantly exposed to toxins , continual detox is important , and you can do this by modifying your diet .
Why Detoxing Is Better
There are several reasons why detoxing is better than dieting :
Let ’ s say your diet plan requires you to stop eating ice cream , or pizza . While you may be able to stay away from your favorite foods for a few months , you can ’ t sustain it in the long run .
Your level of satisfaction decreases when you deprive yourself of certain food items , especially the ones you like . There will come a time when you buckle under the pressure and give in to temptation . The entire concept of ‘ cheat days ’ is based on this lack of satisfaction . Detoxing is far more sustainable than dieting .