Girl T
Live out loud
As a mother, wife,
daughter and all the
other hats a woman
wears, life can be a big
ball of craziness. From
the time we wake up to
the time we lay down,
our hours, minutes and
seconds are already
accounted for in
advance. It is hard to
take a break from the
day-to-day shuffle we
call life and sprinkle in
some good ol' fashion
As humans we often
forget the most
important aspect of
life... living. Life is
an experience. Life
is more than the
“routines” we have
created for ourselves.
Life is meant to be
enjoyed and treasured.
Sure there are “adult
duties” such as paying
bills, doing laundry
and so on, that have to
be performed to insure
necessities are taken
care of. But when do
we live?
I find it easier to enjoy
life when a person
is slow to panic and
quick to laugh. When
is the last time you
turned on the radio
and danced in the
kitchen? How often
do you take the long
way home from work
just to enjoy the ride?
Why is laundry done
on Saturday instead of
one load a night before
As the busy creatures
we are, it is important
to take a moment
and just Laugh Out
Loud. Every day we
let special moments
pass us by due to the
stresses of life. We get
so wrapped up in our
routines we forget to
schedule fun.
So cheers to leaving
the dishes in the sink
and joining the kids for
a late-ni ght movie, on
a school night. Cheers
to trading the laundry
for a walk in the park.
Cheers to building a
fort simply for fun.
Please don’t let life slip
you by... We only have
one life to live so live it