Red Honey Magazine 2013 Archive Edition | Page 25

Relationships/Beauty/Health Walking Fit Journaling Room – Life in a Book jour·nal: n. A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis. During the summer, we seem to find more time to pack in the usual summer festivities, like camping out, hitting the Pow Wow trail, sports activities, and then some. So why not try journaling? It can be a great way to keep track of memories and is also a great way for you busy moms to get your thoughts organized. What is it about writing down our day-to-day events or thoughts and feelings? Well, when we can do this it allows us to take a jumbled, crumpled up thought and somehow straighten it out so that it makes sense. In some ways it assists to transform our lives by providing an outlet to release stress-causing emotions like anger, sadness, or even fear. In a recent article on the benefits of meditation published via, it’s noted that psychologists believe that we have more control over our emotions when we talk about them. With today’s technological advances, we’ve been exposed to more accessible forms of journaling . . . enter: the blog. A weblog (or blog for short) is a regular account of journaling on the Internet where the writer may include news, personal thoughts, quotes, a sort of diary, commentary, video entries, or photos, etc. MySpace, Facebook, or anyone? For many women, exercise is high on the list of “things to do”. You know, next to being wonder mom, all-star employee, friend, lover, student, or just your average all-around superwoman. Well, what better way to get started than by walking! It’s an easyto-do physical activity that requires little more than a portion of your time and a good pair of comfortable walking shoes. Walking is an easy way to both ease into an exercise routine or to supplement your regular exercise regimen when necessary. 30 minutes of walking a day can go a long way to improving your health. Try implementing it with your regular activities like taking a walk