I’ve heard that many women are scared to wear
makeup because they do not want to look unnatural. Most women think that makeup cannot look
natural, but they are wrong. They just need to
find the right colors to go with their skin. There
are even some women and young females that
are too scared to start wearing makeup in the
first place. I know from experience that I wanted to wear makeup but I did not want to start
out with it packed on. That all changed when I
learned how to put it on so that is looked more
natural. Here I’ve gathered up some tips on ap-
The “Natural” Look
plying makeup to medium and darker skin tones.
For medium skin tones first find a foundation that closely matches
your skin color. Medium skin tones usually have a yellowish tint and
sometimes there’s even a red undertone. Many experts recommend
testing a small amount on the inside of your wrist or elbow to check
the color blend and for any possible allergic reaction. Better yet,
after allergy testing, I’ve found the best way to test foundation is
simply to apply it on a clean cheek. To reduce shine, buff a small
amount of powder over your face after applying foundation.
The best color palettes are browns and a deep gold. First apply a
deep brown in the crease of your eye. Start out with light strokes
and gradually darken to the shade of your desire. Next, apply a deep
gold shimmer underneath your eyebrow and to your eyelid. Blend
the shimmer shadow in good because it gives it a nice glow without
looking obvious.
If desired you ca