red-book-kit-v7-DOWNLOAD.pdf Jul. 2014 | Page 15 The Municipal Marketplace Group RATE CARD No. 36A Effective 2014 Services and Suppliers Build Your Business Quickly! Your organization’s listing appears in two places—online AND in the easy-to-find ivory pages of The Red Book. Logos—Enhance Your Corporate Presence Directory—Logo is displayed with listing AND Online—Logo is displayed with listing. Fee per issue for each logo........................ $200 Services and Suppliers Listing Highlight— Illuminate Your Firm’s Name Directory—Bold face boxed firm name AND Online—Bold face firm name within a user’s requested search list Fee per issue for each highlight................. $170 Company Profile—Spotlight Your Firm’s Experience and Specialties Directory—Separate boxed text describing your firm’s unique capabilities AND Online—Your company profile will enhance your Internet presence Fee per issue for each company profile up to 100 words..................................................Free Fee per issue for each company profile 100-200 words.............................................. $170 Fee per issue for each company profile over 200 words..................................................... $200 Listing Fee (per issue) Services and Suppliers listing in directory and online...................................................$375* Each additional Services and Suppliers listing............................................................ $200 *Includes 1 free 100-word company profile Print Example /15 Online Example For More Information [email protected] / +1 847 676 9600