Recruitment Packet | Page 4


Freeport , Illinois is a vibrant , forward-looking community embracing qualities that make us unique .

In Freeport , we value :
• Art , Design and Culture
• Diversity in All Forms
• Hard Work and Entrepreneurship
• Outdoor Experience
• Giving Back
• Always Learning
But most of all , we value collaboration .
Freeport is home to historic architecture , a beautiful downtown , local craft breweries , a stunning park system , award-winning healthcare facilities , and a strong sense of community . While respectful of its rich , historic past , Freeport embraces its existing future as the economic engine of northwest Illinois . Freeport is a business-friendly community that embraces the entrepreneurial spirit that has helped to create the city .
Conveniently situated in Northwestern Illinois , Freeport is 25 miles west of Rockford , 45 minutes east of Galena , and easily accessible to major metro areas in every direction including Dubuque , Madison , Milwaukee , Quad Cities and Chicago all within 100 miles .
In addition to being the site of the 1858 Douglas-Lincoln Debate , it also features the longest-running amateur theater in the US , and a grammy award-winning high school .


Population 23,775
Households 10,969 ( 2.15 people / household )
22 % population under 18 78 % of population under 65
Access to Park Land Over 800 Acres