NIkolai, Romania
I get from this training
some very important thing: we
can make our world better if
we put in practice concept of
creative recycling. Another thing
that I get from this training is
that people from all around
the world can share their ideas
and work together to develop
a peaceful and beautiful world.
I will remember the time that
we spent all together and try
to share ideas and learn from
each other.
I learned specifically to
make wallets from tetra packs,
notebooks and frames from
cardboard; covers for mobile
phones from plastic bags and
learned many new things about
photography, video, media and
social networks and how to use
a silk screen to print something
on bags. I am using almost all
of ideas and techniques that
I learned in Re-think and Recreate training for teaching
others how to put in practice
these techniques, also I spread
the information’s that I learned
about creative recycling, media
and social networks
and try to raise awareness of
environmental issues particularly
waste. When I explain that we
can make something from waste,
in the first time, some people
do not believe me but when I
share the techniques they are
very happy and say that they
will use what they learned
to make something for their
friends or they will open a social
Related to media
and social networks skills I use
what I learned in developing my
personal projects and my family
business that is based on the
concept of community supported
personally I get some very
important competences, like:
learning to learn, to be more
social and civic involved. This
training help me to develop
the spirit of initiative and
developed communication in
foreign languages and in mother
tongue and provide new basic
and digital competences. I had
improved all this competences
during this training and also
after it when I put it more
and more into practice. Also I
learned how I can organize a
great event in open air space or
how to share what I learned to
children and adults.