Recreation & Wellness Department Guide Department Guide | Page 3
live well, learn well
Welcome to Old Dominion University’s Recreation & Wellness Department!
We are pleased to provide opportunities for lifelong wellness by offering new
experiences to explore and expand your recreation needs.
Physical activity has many benefits beyond fitness including positively impacting
the mind and spirit. We’re proud to promote living a healthy and balanced
lifestyle and building awareness about the benefits of wellness. So join us,
whether in a fitness class, a pick-up game of basketball, or an adventure trip.
We invite you to explore the many opportunities you have to recreate.
Through quality innovative programs and services, we provide the foundation
for lifelong wellness through the exploration and development of the mind,
body, and spirit.
The mission of Recreation & Wellness is to provide programs and services that
are accountable, well-structured, and ever-expanding. While serving the
greater community, our focus is student empowerment and development.