Recovery Guide Updated 2017 Recovery-Guide-2017 | Page 6

You can expect some changes in the first few days and weeks following your treatment . Which of these you experience and how long they last depends on a number of factors , including whether your aneurysm had ruptured prior to treatment and the type of treatment ( open or endovascular ) you had .
OPEN SURGERY Issues after open surgery ( clipping ) may include :
Incision Pain / Numbness The pain usually occurs at the incision site . It may take several weeks for the incision to heal . After this time , you may experience brief episodes of sharp pain in the incision area as the nerves grow back . This is not cause for concern . The pain will go away with time . The incision area can also feel numb ; this may or may not get better with time . It may be uncomfortable to sleep on the side with the incision , but it is safe to do so .
Hearing Loss You may notice muffled hearing in the ear on the same side as the incision . This is due to fluid accumulation and will get better with time . However , it may take several weeks to notice improvement .
Jaw Pain Jaw pain may occur when you open your mouth to eat or brush your teeth . This is due to manipulation of the muscles during surgery . The pain will improve over time . You may be able to speed up your recovery by opening and closing your mouth ( about 10 times ) at least four to five times a day , gradually increasing how wide you open it . Let your surgeon know if the pain persists after six weeks ; in this case , physical therapy may be advised .