Online Support
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation’s growing online brain aneurysm support
community ( provides a forum for survivors and loved ones
affected by brain aneurysms to find support and share information, joys, and
concerns with others from the comfort and privacy of their homes. The forum
section allows members to ask questions or start a discussion about topics of
interest to survivors, caretakers, and those who have lost a loved one to a brain
aneurysm. The blog section allows members to share their stories, concerns,
and photos, and find comfort from others in the community. Some members
have formed their own groups: “Living with an Aneurysm” and “Aneurysm and
Migraines” are two examples.
Individual Psychotherapy
Brain aneurysm survivors can face a number of challenges: as mentioned
previously, difficulties with anxiety, depression, and lack of confidence and
self-esteem are not uncommon. While some survivors return to their previous
level of functioning, others may be adapting to the “new normal” in their lives.
In this situation, individual psychotherapy can be a valuable component of
your return to good health. In many states in the United States, mental health
services are covered by medical insurance. Your primary care doctor and/or
your neurosurgeon can provide a referral. Insurance companies maintain an
online list of mental health providers in your area.