Recovery Guide Updated 2017 Recovery-Guide-2017 | Page 15

To help recall information (this is hardest for most survivors): • Organize — Use a daily planner, calendar, or device such as a smartphone to schedule your day. Never before were “sticky notes” so important. Invest in several packages of these. You can also consider an audio recorder or use your smartphone’s recording function if that will help you remember things. • Written plan and “notes-to-self” — Write down all important information, such as doctor appointments, social engagements, birthdays and other important events, and medication schedules. • Create a personal data bank — Create a central database to access addresses, phone numbers, and any other information that you will need to meet with people (including doctors and therapists) and recall what specific discussions you had with them. • Routine — Recovering from serious illness requires a healthy and well- planned routine. Routines solidify and anchor memories, so they can be recalled much more quickly and with less frustration. Put important items such as keys in the same place each and every time. • Regular reviews — Each evening, review your day’s events and recall specific details. • Play — Crossword puzzles, word searches, and other games help with information recall. 14